Cubase 12 and Dorico 4 Book Updates

With the recent release of both Cubase 12 and Dorico 4, it’s time for updated versions of my books.

The Cubase 12 one is nearly complete – I’m just adding a brief section on M1 setup (having bought an M1 Mac Mini to allow me to do this as my M1 Max MBP is still on the way at some point)… The rest of the updates are complete – adding MIDI Remote, Chords from Audio and multi-track Audio Warp as well as a host of smaller revisions, plus a complete reformat as the book needed a larger gutter (the gap down the centre of the book) as it has over 700 pages.

The Dorico 4 version of getting started is in the works as well, but there are a couple of features that will hopefully be re-instated soon that I’m waiting for before finishing the book off. The vast majority of the changes are done, but it’s always a long process and everything needs to be re-checked before signing off as often more minor changes are made to the application as it is developed.