With the recent release of Cubase 9.5, it’s time to make an update to “The Complete Guide to Music Technology” – while this is ‘only’ a .5 update, there are a number of features and changes which warrant an update, and in addition some other areas of the book are going to be updated, including platform-specific information (Mac and PC), as well as other areas. This is a significant update to the book, although obviously a lot of the content will still carry through from previous versions. In addition, the decision to retire the A-level version of the book has been taken, so from this edition onwards there will only be one book, to avoid any confusion which has sometimes happened.
The updated book has been drafted twice, and the (hopefully final!) proof is currently being printed (12/01/18). Once it has been delivered and checked, this site will be updated, and the book will be available from Lulu.